Book on a Class or Workshop
Lupe Cunha at Cuckoo Farm Studios 2015
To book your place on one of our next courses please send this form to me with the date of the class/workshop you are interested in booking on. When we confirm the availability of space on this day, we will provide you with our bank details and we request payment of the class fee to confirm your place. If you want further information about any class please mention it in the message box or ring me on 07847 384084.
Contemporary Landscape Workshop
Dates Available: 13rd June, 18th July & 22nd Aug- 10:00 to 4:00
Cost : £40.00 (£35.00Discounted)
A full-day workshop exploring potential landscape ideas to develop an abstract/figurative painting.
Each session focuses on diferent artists' works.
Demonstrations of various techniques will be provided throughout the day as basis for the work.
Our day will begin with sketching from the selected image to develop a basic composition design for your work. Then working in your media of choice: watercolour, acrylic or oils or a combination of these, you will develop your work with painting. We break at lunch for a critique of the work done. After your lunch (please bring a pack lunch, coffee and tea provided throughout), we will look at developing further the composition by use of mark making, collage and print-making effects.
Watercolour Fortnighly
Starts: Mondays 22nd June, 6th July, 20th July, 3 Aug, 17 Aug
Cost : £50 for 5 summer sessions
Watercolour is great for outdoors painting but often people struggle because they are not familiar enough of the necessary basis techniques. However once these are learnt, people dont realize the range of effects you can get working simply in watercolour and think that this pale, watery skill is all that can be achieved. In these Monday sessions, we will explore a wide range of colour and tonal effects, we will work with texture and drawing tools. We will hope-fully help you take your watercolour to a whole new level. Whenever the weather permits we will be working from the landscape so you can enjoy the summer at the same time in our lovely location.
One to One Tutorials
Dates Booked individually
Cost per 2 hours: £25 watercolour
£30.oo acrylic and £35.00 oil all inclusive
Artists often get to a stage in their work where they feel some aspect of their work could do with a closer focus. This is were I can help, talking to you I help you develop your work in the way you want to do it. I will help you look at your work in new ways
++44 7847 384084