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My Artwork

Abstracted Landscapes
Original Paintings
Print Order

In the gallery shop are all my available paintings in Oil, Acrylic and Watercolours.  Where the original has been sold, this is indicated  but prints are still available to order. 


I print on only the finest available papers  to ensure that you receive the highest quality product. All papers are authentic archival quality, meaning they will outlast you and your grandchildren without fading. My hope is that these prints stay with you for years to come and become valued assets as well as pieces that inspire and arouse the viewer.



We provide our 8in x 10in prints mounted and framed in classic black wood as shown below. These are at a special promotional price of £35.00

Mounted and Framed Print
Size – 8in x 10in,


Additional Sizes Unframed also available through our print order site,UKGiclee. Orders are placed directly with our Professional Print Supplier please link <<<

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++44 7847 384084

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