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Watercolour Step 2 Blog


The Palette

The advantage of working with watercolour pencils rather than ordinary pencils is that back in the studio you can easily overwork your location sketch when in the studio. As you can see my watercolour is far from tidy...but it is these mixtures that add depth to the watercolour. My colours: Oxide Red, Crimson, Scarlet Red, Cadmium Orange, Yellow Ochre, Cadmium Yellow Deep, Lemon Yellow, Sape Green, Hooker Green, Cerulean Blue, Cobalt Blue, Ultramarine Blue, Indigo, Violet.

Step 2


It is at this stage that many abandon their work thinking that they have made a mess. But with watercolour, to keep that loose feeling to the work, your need to make loose washes at this stage. Dont worry if it is going over the edges. Let the watercolour flow. It has its own life. After this very watery stage we will pull it in and give definition to the work at the later stage working with less water and more pigment. It is also possible to liftout errors in watercolour. So just let the watercolours flow...

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